Raising a Thinking Child Workbook

Help Your Young Child to Resolve Everyday Conflicts and Get Along with Others
The "I Can Problem Solve" Program

Raising a Thinking Childby Myrna B. Shure, Ph.D. with Theresa Foy Digeronimo, M.ED
Published by Research Press
Paperback/224 pages
ISBN: 0-87822-458-0

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Don't interrupt me.
Can't you see I'm on the phone?!
Go watch TV till I'm finished.

Ask him, don't grab.
When are you going to learn to share?
If you grab toys, you won't have any friends.

Sound familiar? Do your kids tune out?
Have they heard you say things a thousand times before?
Try a new way of communicating—the Problem-Solving Way.

This unique, practical workbook follows the enormous success of Raising a Thinking Child, the book that first introduced the award-winning l-Can-Problem-Solve (ICPS) program to parents of young children. Packed with dozens of new activities, its pages invite parents and children as young as four to play games, to draw, and to color the many pictures. And while children are having fun, they will also be learning to think about problems, to consider how they and others feel, to anticipate the consequences of their actions, and to examine possible solutions. Designed as a stand-alone resource as well as a companion to the earlier book, the Raising a Thinking Child Workbook is for parents—whether or not they are already familiar with ICPS—who want to respond to their children's problems in a new way. Through its innovative program, parents can help their children become socially and emotionally competent youngsters who will become well-adjusted adults.